16 Website Tips For Your Handmade Jewellery Business

Are you thinking about setting up a website for your handmade jewellery business?

You should be as it's one of the most important parts of building a successful business! A website is your chance to get noticed in a crowded market of jewellers, a place to share your story and be found by potential customers. In the eye of the customer, having a website takes you from being a hobbyist to a professional jeweller and helps you build trust among new customers.

Read our top tips on running a website to help you land those sales and offer the content your customers are looking for.

Secure a domain name

Firstly, you want to secure your domain name which will be your url. You can do this by using sites such as GoDaddy to check the availability of domains and purchase it. We'd recommend using your business name as this appears more professional - it will also be easier for your customer to find you through search engines.

Know your goals

What are your goals for setting up a website for your jewellery? Is your purpose to sell products, write blog posts or simply have a website where customers can find out more about you. Knowing your goals will help you design a website around these goals.

Stay on brand

One of the most key parts of running a website is staying on brand. Your brand is the overall identity of your business and it needs to be consistent with all of your marketing materials and platforms. We're talking about your tone of voice, colour scheme, logo, fonts, imagery etc.

When an existing customer visits your site, you want them to instantly recognise your business and feel confident about buying a piece of your jewellery.

Read our blog post on how to build a brand here

Hire help

Building and running a website involves a lot of challenges and it means you need to know a little html and css. If you’re not confident in creating a website yourself, we’d recommend hiring the help of a Website Developer who you can work alongside to create your vision. There are lots of platforms out there that make it easy to build a website yourself - do a little research to see what option is best for you.

Make it easy to contact you

Having a ‘Contact’ page makes it really easy for visitors and customers to get in touch with you. Whether they have a question about a product or query about their order, having a clear contact section will help you secure sales.

You could either offer a contact form or a clear email address for them to get in touch. A frequently asked questions section is also a good idea, so users can gain information fast and prevent you from being contacted regularly.

Upload high quality photos

One of the best ways to stand out is to have high-quality photos on your website. If you have an e-commerce website, you want to have clear photos of your handmade jewellery, with each product having more than one image.

On product photos, you want to have as many photos as possible for each product. This includes a clear photo of the piece of jewellery, the piece of jewellery being worn and any other shots such as packaging. The more information you can give your customer, the more chance you’re going to land that sale.

Each page should have a photo - for example on your About Page you could have a photo of yourself. People love to see behind the scenes action and see who the designer is behind the jewellery. This makes you more real to the customer and builds trust before making a purchase.

Read our photography guide here

Be emotive in product descriptions

Product descriptions give you the chance to tell your visitors why they should buy that piece of jewellery. Tell the reader the key points of the jewellery and why they should make that purchase.

What person do you see buying this particular piece of jewellery? You need to share the benefits of the piece of jewellery and why they should choose this instead of another similar item elsewhere. What was the inspiration behind this piece, how will this piece make the person feel? Share this in the product description. Make the user feel special and use language that is personal to the user and evokes emotion when they read it.

Don’t post lots of text under descriptions, users want to get information quickly. Using bullet points is a great way for visitors to quickly read the details of the product. 

Provide valuable information

When a person stumbles upon your website, you want their visit to be worthwhile. Provide the user with useful information such as your location, policies, delivery details etc. The more information they can gain quickly and easily, the better for the user.

Have a Newsletter sign up form

Newsletters are a great way to generate traffic and leads. You should make it really easy for users to sign up for your newsletters, including a clear signup form on your website either on a page or through a popup box when they visit the website.

Read our blog post: Newsletters For Your Handmade Jewellery Business

Improve search engine optimisation (SEO)

Having a website gives you the chance to be found by potential customers. Search engine optimisation is the process of boosting your organic search rankings in search engines such as Google. Jewellery is a very competitive market, so it will be difficult to rank high for keywords such as ‘jewellery’ but if you target more niche keywords such as ‘Cornish jewellery designer’ you will be more likely to be found.

Write regular blog posts

A great way to optimise search rankings is by writing regular blog posts. If your website is being regularly updated with rich and valuable information for your customers, this is great for your SEO. The more content you have the better, so include as many photos, videos and keywords as possible.

You can update your blog with the latest news or behind the scenes action which your customers might be interested in.

Find blog post ideas for your website here

Share customer testimonials

You want visitors to your website to want to purchase an item, and a great way to do this is by sharing other customers who love your jewellery! Have a clear section for testimonials or feature them on your homepage. This will build trust among new users to your website.

Make pages easy to navigate

Having a visually beautiful website is brilliant but it’s more important that it works for the customer! Make your website user-friendly, by making it really easy to navigate through pages and make it simple for them to place an order. If you choose not to have an e-commerce site but sell your jewellery on sites such as Etsy, make this really clear on your website and provide a link so people can click through. Don't forget that more people are now browsing the internet and making purchases on their mobile, so always ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.

Keep your website up to date

Always ensure that the information on your website is correct and up to date. If a customer reads out-dated information, this could lose you a sale and make you look unprofessional.

Share your story

Your website is a platform where existing and potential customers can get to know you. People are much more likely to buy from you if they see the person behind the jewellery. By having an ‘About Page’, this gives you the chance to share your jewellery making story with the world.

Tell your visitors how you got started in jewellery making, add in some personal facts and let them know more about your values and what makes your jewellery special. This is your chance to sell yourself and connect to your customers, prove why they should choose your handmade jewellery over others and show off your amazing personality and skills too.

Add links to your social media

If you make handmade jewellery, you'll know the importance of social media and how it can help you make sales. Add social media links so website visitors can easily check out your social platforms and increase your followers.

Read our blog post: 10 Reasons Your Handmade Jewellery Business Needs Social Media

Make your website secure with a SSL certificate

Customers want to know your website is secure before making a payment. You can do this by securing your website with SSL security, which ensures all data passed between the web server and browsers are private. Most hosting providers will add an SSL certificate to your website - you may need a hand from a Website Developer if you're unsure. Not only will this earn your user's trust, but you will also gain SEO benefits too.

Drive traffic to your website

Once your website is up and running, you want to get as much traffic there as possible in order to get sales. You can do this by sending regular newsletters linking to your website. You can also update your social media, driving people to your website through engaging posts.

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